You pay your auto insurance bill every month. And when you need to file a claim, you expect to get first-rate service in exchange for those premiums. Most auto insurance companies do the very best they can to deliver that type of service to the drivers they cover. However, the insurers have a lot of issues to manage. They have to balance the quality and speed of the repairs they provide with the costs that must eventually be passed along to drivers. For these reasons, insurance companies will periodically review and adjust the amount of money they’re willing to pay for certain repairs, including windshield replacement.
Earlier this month, an auto glass industry newsletter reported that a major insurer would be paying less for windshield replacement claims. Some auto glass replacement companies are concerned about how customers will react. Will they continue to seek out high quality repairs or will they go to cut rate auto glass shops?
Fortunately for South Carolinians, we shouldn’t be affected by these and any other changes by insurance companies. In South Carolina, comprehensive policies will cover the total cost of windshield replacement with no deductible. But this provides a good opportunity to review why you should always choose a reputable, qualified auto glass replacement company.
Cut rate auto glass companies aren’t always going to use the best materials. They also may not have a highly trained staff. Materials and labor are what make the difference in any type of auto repairs, but this is especially true for auto glass repairs. A properly installed windshield will be just as good as the one that came from the factory.
The highly trained technicians at BEAM Auto Glass use the very best glass available. At the same time, we offer one of the most affordable auto glass replacement services in the area. Our mobile windshield replacement service is available for all makes and models of vehicles. Call us for Lancaster, Chester, York, Fort Mill, and Rock Hill glass repair.
BEAM Auto Glass offers windshield repair, windshield replacement, and auto glass repair services. Contact us for mobile service in the Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Lancaster, Kershaw, Chester, and York, SC areas.